DAVENPORT, IA -- Edge Tech Industries has agreed to pay a $26,000 civil penalty to the US to settle claims that it failed to submit necessary annual reports listing the quantities of toxic lead that handled over a three year span.

The printed circuit board manufacturer failed to report on lead manufactured, processed or otherwise used during 2006, 2007 and 2008, the EPA claimed.

The EPA discovered the violations of the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) during a site review last fall.

Under EPCRA regulations, companies of certain size are required to submit their annual reports to EPA and state authorities by listing the amounts of regulated chemicals that their facilities release into the environment through routine activities or as a result of accidents. The reports, also known as Form R Reports, include additional information regarding waste management, recycling and reduction of these toxic chemicals. The reports provide an important source of information to emergency planners and responders, and residents of surrounding communities.

For three consecutive years, Edge Tech Industries failed to submit its Form R reports to EPA. As part of an administrative consent agreement filed in Kansas City, KA, Edge Tech has certified that it is now in full compliance with the regulatory requirements of EPCRA.

EPCRA was enacted by Congress in 1986 as an outgrowth of concern over the protection of the public from chemical emergencies and dangers. After the catastrophic accidental release of methyl isocyanate at Union Carbide’s Bhopal, India, facility in December 1984, and a later toxic release from a West Virginia chemical plant, it was evident that national public disclosure of emergency information was needed.

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