TAIPEI -- Nan Ya Plastics may adjust copper-clad laminate (CCL) prices in April, based on “rising commodity prices,” according to Digitimes. According to the report, other Asian CCL producers may follow suit.
Crude oil prices and copper prices are significantly down compared to 2008 levels. Copper prices are down nearly 50% compared to the 5-year high experienced last June when copper soared to just over $4.00/LB. Prices on LME and COMAX closed on April 9 at $2.02/LB and $2.07/LB, respectively. LME and COMAX inventories levels are high with a forecast for stable pricing throughout 2009. Shanghai copper posted higher prices on April 9, $2.85/LB. Forecasts reflect declining prices for the remainder of 2009.
In related news, CENS reported that Nan Ya Plastics registered NT$10.993 billion (US$325.23 million) in sales in March, an increase of NT$49 million (US$1.44 million) from the preceding month and that the company noted copper-clad laminate orders had picked up at the end of March and the increase was sustained into April.