ATLANTA – Positive market sentiment expressed by participants in the electronic components supply chain improved in the August measurement as it reached 108.4, according to ECIA's monthly Electronic Component Sales Trend survey.

The positivity is sustained in the September outlook with a 107.9 score.

"This is an encouraging upward trend following a June measurement that fell below the 100 threshold and caused concern regarding market health," said ECIA Chief Analyst Dale Ford. "Building on the good news from the most recent ECST survey, all three major component segments realized scores above the 100 threshold in both the August measurement and the September outlook. This month-to-month positive market trend is projected to continue through the fourth quarter and the end of the year based on the results measured in the Q3 ECST survey."

Semiconductors and electro-mechanical components saw strongly positive scores in August with semiconductors improving by 5.5 points to reach 111.8 and electro-mechanical growing by 2.8 points to a score of 108.6. Passive components experienced the greatest improvement in August with a 6.5-point improvement that moved it out of negative sentiment territory up to a positive score of 104.7.

The September ECST scores show improving sentiment for electro-mechanical and passive components. Semiconductor market expectations in September slip from the August results but still sustain an overall positive market expectation at 103.0. Every product sub-category achieves a score of 100 or above in both August and the September forecast.

View the complete summary report here.


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