BANGKOKKCE Electronics is investing Bt4.6 billion to build another facility here to expand its production of printed circuit boards by about 185,000 sq. m. per month.

"The new factory will enable us to achieve more than a twofold increase in our production capacity, which is currently 1.8 million sq. ft. per month," said Bancha Ongkosit, managing director of KCE.

Construction will occur in three phases. Phase I has a budget of Bt2.8 billion and will take one year. Production of 700,000 sq. ft. per month is expected to begin by the end of next year.

Phase II has a budget of Bt484 million. It is expected to expand production capacity by 600,000 sq. ft. per month by the end of 2015.

Phase III has a budget of Bt1.3 billion. Production capacity is expected to increase by 700,000 sq. ft. per month by the end of 2016.

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