BANNOCKBURN, IL – January printed circuit board shipments from North American fabricators increased 4.3%, but orders fell 6.5% year-over-year.

The book-to-bill ratio posted a gain of one-tenth, to 0.97, says IPC. It was the fourth straight month the ratio was below 1.0, the leading indicator for sales growth over the next two to three months.

Rigid PWB shipments were up 3.7%, and orders dropped 7.7% compared to January 2010. The book-to-bill edged up to 0.97.

Flex shipments for the month were up 10.7%, while orders were up 5.3% year-over-year. The flex book-to-bill climbed above parity to 1.01.

IPC said the sales followed normal seasonal patterns, and that the figures are stable.

Rigid PWBs represent an estimated 89% of the current industry in North America, says the firm. Rigid circuit producers reported military sales accounted for 24% of their sales for January, and flex circuit producers reported 46% military sales.

In January, 81% of total shipments reported were domestically produced. Domestic production accounted for 81% of rigid and 86% of flex shipments.


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