VIENNA – AT&S reported second-quarter revenue climbed 4.8% sequentially to 88 million euros ($131.9 million) with all facilities operating at full capacity by the end of the quarter.
Sales for July totaled 25.5 million euros ($38.2 million). Customer demand increased in mid-August, bringing sales for the month to 27.7 million euros ($41.5 million). The trend continued into September as sales shot to 34.8 million euros ($52.1 million).
The company’s industrial segment reported a 41% increase to 8.7 million euros ($13 million), while the automotive segment saw a 17% rise to 1.4 million euros ($2 million).
Production capacity at the Leoben-Hinterberg, Austria, plant has been refocused toward European business only, with a notable jump in new orders reported for the quarter. The Shanghai facililty reports volume production ramping up for the holiday season.