BANNOCKBURN, IL - The challenges facing the California electronics industry will be brought before the state legislature when the IPC California Circuits Association (CCA) presents Sacramento Day.

Taking place on May 20 at the Sacramento Convention Center, attendees will have a valuable opportunity to engage legislators in face to face discourse about the industry, and actions that need to be taken to ensure a strong future for California business.

Those participating will have the opportunity to attend a discussion with the California Business Legislative Summit, hosted by the California Chamber of Commerce. The morning culminates with a luncheon, highlighted by keynote speaker, George Stephanopoulos, chief Washington correspondent, ABC News, and former senior advisor to President Clinton.

The afternoon session will be allocated to appointments with legislators. A reception and dinner will follow, featuring an informal conversation with Victor Arrañaga, senior manager, Government Affairs, Applied Materials, Inc. Arrañaga is considered one of the leading lobbyists and an expert in Sacramento politics.

Event participants staying overnight can also attend the Sacramento Host Breakfast on May 21, sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been invited to address breakfast attendees on the state of business in California.

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