SANTA CLARA, CA –The DesignVision Awards were recently presented at DesignCon 2009. Awards were handed out in eight categories.
PCB Design Tools and Technologies: PCB Matrix for the Symbol Wizard.
System Modeling and Simulation Tools: Signal Integrity Software for Quantum Channel Designer.
Interconnect Technologies and Components: Molex Inc. for the Impact Backplane Connector System.
IC Design Tools: Mentor Graphics for the Olympus-SoC Parallel Timing Analysis and Optimization.
Design Verification Tools: Sequence Design for PowerArtist.
Semiconductor Components and ICs: Xilinx for the Xilinx Virtex-5 TXT FPGA Platform.
Semiconductor IP: Cadence Design Systems for the IP Ecosystem.
Test and Measurement Equipment: SyntheSys Research Inc. for DPP 12500A-4T.