40+Gb/s SFF-8470 4X passive copper cabling products support high-speed interconnect applications such as computing, enterprise networking and network storage systems. The low latency assemblies support data transfer rates from 2.5 to 10+ Gb/s per lane. Feature a shielded wafer construction where the signal conductors are directly attached to the connector's contacts. The twin-axial shielded conductors are laser-welded. Die cast back shells and latch are interoperable with all compliant interfaces. Supports InfiniBand SDR, DDR and QDR; Ethernet 10GBaseCX4, 40GBaseCR4; FibreChannel; RapidIO; Myrinet; SAS; SATA; Aurora; VITA VXS and XAUI/XAUI-2 IO interface links, as well as SONET/SDH. Options include 24 to 30 wire gauges and various assembly lengths for specific applications.
Siemon, http://www.siemon.com/is/