Pacothane Technologies LLC introduces PACOFLEX 5000. This conformable release film has been designed to increase production yields and to simplify and standardize the laminating process. It is reported to control and to eliminate reworks and rejections that result from factors that produce scrap, such as excessive adhesive flow, crushed pads, discoloration and high levels of distortion and misregistration.
PACOFLEX has very low X-Y Axis movement and provides micro Z-Axis control for sidewall conformance. It is clean, inert and disposable; it has no contaminant or solvent out-gassing. Entrapped air between the cover-layer and the circuitized base laminate is eliminated, increasing production yields.
The product dams back acrylic and epoxy adhesives, as well as reduces excessive resin flow into cover-layer clearance areas. It meets MIL-P 50884 and IPC-6013 Specifications.
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