Enthone has released CUPROSTAR CVF1 Microvia Fill Process. CUPROSTAR CVF1 is specifically developed for filling blind microvias with copper while simultaneously plating through-holes. The process is compatible with vertical direct current (DC) plating equipment. Pulse periodic reverse rectification is not required.
Microvia fill is complete and flush with the surface eliminating cavities, moisture or residue entrapment. CVF1 does not require electrolytic regeneration or continuous carbon filtration to maintain optimum performance. The solution additives are fully analyzable and can be controlled using CVS analysis techniques, eliminating variability. Applicable for panel or pattern plating, the process will provide 100% fill of large and small vias and achieve throwing power of greater than 90% in 5:1 aspect ratio plated through-holes.
Reported benefits of CUPROSTAR CVF1 include:
- 100% via fill for large and small vias
- Throwing power greater than 90% with 5:1 aspect ratio plated through-holes
- Capable of panel and pattern plating
- Fully analyzable and controllable single component in predip and plating bath
- Utilizes existing vertical DC equipment
- Plates through-holes and fills blind microvias with one process