Elsyca PCBBalance v2.1 is the newest version of the DfM software for PCB designers and CAM engineers.
Now features additional color plot visualization options for Plot Key Performance Indicator values per PCB product on the panel, including standard deviation, CPK, and fraction of surface within specifications. Also includes the possibility to adjust copper balancing position by defining small shifts in (X,Y) directions upon export; plus the ability to define zones that are to be excluded from copper balancing, either by using a Gerber input file containing the outline of the no-go zones or using a Gerber input file containing a full image of these zone. Other new features include the possibility to import predefined plating process and balancing parameter sets (recipes) from a custom directory and the ability to save new recipes to a custom directory, the ability to manually select plate boxes from library or automatically select them based on panel size, and the ability to decouple of front and back side image balancing parameters to allow optimal copper balancing pattern on both sides. Also features an upgraded simulation algorithm that provides a more accurate prediction of the copper deposit thickness in and around HDI areas to account for high local copper density fractions during the copper plating processes.