PCB-Investigator 8.0 browser-enabled CAD/CAM software is for review processes during development of electronic assemblies.
Can be accessed via a browser interface without the need for local installation. Using ODB++, creates a common database which documents every change and is accessible to everyone involved in the development, quality assurance and production process. Comprehensive visualization, export and import capabilities facilitate layout reviews. Other improvements include an improved component library with editor capability as well as clearance and creepage distance measurement. Connection to SharePoint permits integrated data- and version-management, so designs can be assessed, amended or supplemented with additional information and documentation by various departments in a controlled way. All data is centrally managed and version-controlled in SharePoint. No copies of the CAD dataset need to be sent, merged or filed. New editor allows geometries to be moved and replaced, component layers created from placement data, the zero point of a component displayed, contours replaced, and attributes edited.