SOUTHINGTON, CT – Katarina Roy has been appointed Technical Service Engineer, expanding Uyemura’s technical resources in the US northeast and the province of Ontario. She will work from Andover, MA. and the Uyemura Tech Center in Southington, CT.
Roy formerly worked for a medical device manufacturer, where she had both R&D and troubleshooting responsibilities. Most recently, she was a Manufacturing Engineer for Vicor Corp., a global leader in high-performance power modules, where her focus was process development, and she became highly knowledgeable about the optimization of Uyemura chemistries.
That knowledge was immediately helpful when she joined Uyemura, and assisted in the installation of ENIG chemistry at a customer location in Slovenia. In January, she will participate in the installation of a new ENEPIG line for a major US customer. Roy has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Lean Six Sigma training. She recently conducted a Lightning Talk on data management.