TOKYO – TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Group CEO: Koichiro Tanaka), which develops industrial precious metals products as one of the core companies of TANAKA Precious Metals, announced today that it is promoting business strategies in each country with the aim of establishing a "Global Recycling Network" to promote the widespread recycling of precious metals.

TANAKA will encourage the recycling of precious metals in each country at its main recovering and refining bases: Ichikawa Plant and Shonan Plant for Japan and Southeast Asia, Hukou Plant for Taiwan, Marin Plant for Europe, and North Attleborough Plant for North America.

As part of this expansion, Chengdu Guangming Paite Precious Metal Co., Ltd., TANAKA affiliate company in China, will establish a new company, Ya'an Guangming Paite Precious Metal Co., Ltd., in Sichuan Province, China, which will begin full-scale operations in the summer of 2024 or later. This new company will manufacture precious metal compounds for various catalysts and plating and will also recover and refine precious metals from production scrap and used catalysts by introducing TANAKA's precious metal recycling technology.

Of the approximately 5 billion yen invested in the establishment of Ya'an Guangming Paite Precious Metal, TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo will invest 40%.

Background of Precious Metal Recycling Business Development in China

Unlike in other countries and regions, the precious metals business in China should ideally be completely integrated with the recovery and refining of precious metals and the manufacture of industrial precious metals products. Until now, the cooperation between TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo and Chengdu Guangming Paite Precious Metal has allowed for limited integration, but some recoverable precious metals are still not being recovered. This new company will introduce the recycling process that TANAKA has cultivated over many years in the precious metal business in Japan to establish a system capable of recovering precious metals that have not been recovered up to now. Through the new company, TANAKA will establish a one-stop precious metal recycling scheme that can be completely integrated within China, further developing its precious metal recycling business.

TANAKA will contribute to sustainability by effectively utilizing limited precious metal resources in various businesses. TANAKA also believes that precious metal recycling will help reduce the use of mined precious metals in industrial products, thereby helping to reduce environmental impact.

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