Embedded capacitance frees up the board surface for routing traces, can reduce the overall board size and can speed time to market.

The integration of embedded capacitor technology is driven by the need to save board area and/or reduce board size, increase functionality, lower costs and improve electrical performance. It has been demonstrated that the performance of embedded capacitance laminate layers in a PCB stack up are more effective in high-frequency noise suppression than discrete surface mount technology (SMT) capacitors. There is however, little information regarding the number of discrete capacitors that can be safely removed by utilizing this technology.

As other applications for incorporating embedded capacitance layers are being examined (such as the modules used in cell phones and laptop PCs) the ability to predict the number of discrete decoupling capacitor components that can be safely removed is likely to be critical in the decision of whether or not to use the technology. One approach to determine this is to use the electrical performance simulation of boards with and without embedded capacitors. To further the knowledge in this area, additional data should be generated. The number of discrete components that the model predicts needs to be compared to those that can actually be removed from the board without a negative impact. With a good predictive model, the decision to utilize embedded capacitors can be simplified.

Redesigning with Embedded Capacitance

To determine the performance benefits of embedded capacitance, a power/ground simulation tool was used to compare the impedance and resonances of the standard design with one using embedded materials of varying dielectric constant (Dk) and thickness.

The goal of this project was to redesign a board with embedded capacitors and compare the performance to the standard design. The standard product was a 12-layer PCB with two 1.5 V planes and one 3.3 V plane. The standard stack up is shown in Figure 1 on the left-hand side. To add the embedded capacitance material while maintaining the mechanical symmetry, a new 14-layer stack-up was used with two FaradFlex® thin-laminate cores added.

Fig. 1

The redesign is shown on the right-hand side of Figure 1. The top FaradFlex® core is used for the 3.3 V supply, and the bottom one for the 1.5 V supply. The thickness of the 1.5 V/Ground plane pair in the center of the stack up remains approximately the same.

Three versions of the new 14-layer PCBs were manufactured, in addition to the standard 12-layer board. The new 14-layer PCBs were manufactured using BC24, BC12, and BC12TM materials as the thin laminate cores, respectively. These boards are denoted as BC24, BC12, and BC12TM in the descriptions and figures that follow. The standard 12-layer boards are denoted as FR-4 for simplicity.

BC24 and BC12 are modified epoxy substrates that are 24 and 12 micrometers in thickness respectively. BC12TM is also a 12 micrometer material but has high Dk ceramic particles added to raise the Dk to 10 from the 4.4 of the unfilled products. The materials are formulated to insure durability during PCB processing. The copper foil is a special low profile version to minimize the chance of shorts or leakage. The material is manufactured and distributed under the Buried CapacitanceTM license of Sanmina-SCI Corporation.

To evaluate the performance of the FaradFlex materials, the BC24, BC12, and BC12TM boards were populated only with bulk decoupling capacitors, and the FR-4 board was fully populated with bulk and high-frequency SMT decoupling capacitors. Compared to the standard FR-4 boards, the embedded capacitance boards had 781 SMT capacitors removed. The decision to remove all the decoupling capacitors was based on the results of the simulations and that this methodology had proven effective in previous designs.

The testing included swept-frequency S- and Z-parameter measurements for both the bare and populated boards, power bus noise measurements in both frequency and time domains, pre-EMI scan, and environment chamber testing.

Good correlation of simulated to measured performance was recorded. Thin capacitor substrates do have an effect on the characteristics of power/ground planar power bus structures. In general, the voltages are more stable with greatly reduced resonances. By using thin core planes and simulation tools the number of discrete capacitors can be reduced, and electrical performance is improved. Besides reducing the number of discrete capacitors used, there is also a reduction in power/ground plane resonance that minimizes the amount of electro-magnetic radiation from the board.

Product Build

The newly designed 14-layer embedded capacitance PCBs were manufactured using ZBC™ layer processing. Minor wet process allocations were made to process the thin cores along with a recommended 500-volt HiPot test for the cores prior to lamination and a final PCB 500-volt HiPot after test. All manufacturers that currently process 0.002 inch core materials should be able to process these materials with minor process/handling changes.

Performance/DC Capacitance of Bare Boards

The DC capacitance of the 1.5V/Ground pair, as well as the 3.3V/Ground pair, was measured for all four types of the bare boards. Two methods were used, and the results were either directly obtained from an LCR meter or indirectly derived from vector network analyzer measurements. As shown in Table 1, the results from the two methods agree within less than 10% (results from the network analyzer are in parentheses in the table).

Table 1

The capacitance cores significantly increased the DC capacitance values (from between 60-80% for the 1.5V/GND plane pair and from 93-95% for the 3.3V/GND plane pair). The BC12TM cores achieved the largest capacitance values as expected. A large DC capacitance is beneficial for power bus as it can store more charge for logic transitions, as well as decrease power bus impedance at low frequencies.

An interesting observation is that the DC capacitance values are larger for the 3.3 V/Ground pair than the 1.5V/Ground pair in the embedded capacitance boards. That is because the bottom 1.5 V plane shown in is a split plane, and the area of the 1.5 V is only approximately one third of the total board area. Therefore, the increase in DC capacitance is less significant due to the reduced plane area.

Product Performance/Swept-Frequency Measurements of Bare Boards

The swept-frequency parameters are good indications of the impedance of the power/ground plane pair. Specifically, |Z11| is the impedance of the power bus (power/ground plane pair) looking into a port. It determines the noise voltage generated in the power bus due to a current drawn at the same port. However, |Z11| measurements can be dominated by the port inductance at high frequencies. In such cases, transfer impedance, |Z21|, can reveal information that is otherwise buried in the input impedance results. The scattering parameter, |S21|, between two different ports in the power bus, which is a function of the transfer impedance, |Z21|, is often used to study the noise voltage generated in the power bus due to a current drawn from another location away from the observation port. For both |Z11| and |S21|, a lower magnitude indicates a lower noise voltage generated in the power bus due to the same amount of noise current. In other words, the lower the magnitude is, the better the power bus performance.

Bonding pads designed for decoupling capacitors were chosen as the testing ports, and the S-parameters were obtained from a vector network analyzer.

Figure 2 and Figure 4 show the |S21| versus frequency curves for the 1.5 V/GND and 3.3 V/GND pair, respectively, while Figure 3 and Figure 5 show the corresponding |Z21| results that are calculated from the S-parameter measurements.

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

At frequencies below 10 MHz, all the curves clearly demonstrate that the BC12TM boards have the lowest power bus impedance; hence, their performance in noise reduction in this frequency range is the best among all types of the boards. BC12 is slightly trailing behind, followed by BC24. The standard boards are obviously the worst.

Product Performance/Time-Domain Power Bus Noise Measurements

Time-domain power bus noise measurements were taken when the boards are running under a pseudo-functioning script. Again, bonding pads for decoupling capacitors were used as ports, and a flexible coaxial cable was used to connect the port to the Agilent Infiniium 54855A Digital Sampling Oscilloscope. The AC noise voltage was measured using a DC blocking capacitor to prevent damage to the oscilloscope.

Figure 6 shows the power bus noise voltage in the 1.5V/Ground pair measured at one location on the FR-4 sample. Figure 7 shows the measurements for the BC12 boards. Similar time-domain performance was noted for the other capacitance materials. All of the materials produced a PCB with less noise than the standard FR-4 board. For the 1.5 V/GND pair, the peak-to-peak noise voltages are approximately the same for all types of the boards and dominated by the lower frequency envelope. The higher frequency noise for the 3.0 V/GRD pair is likewise reduced and the overall peak-to-peak noise voltage was lower than the FR-4 board.

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

The embedded capacitance boards resulted in lower power bus noise. This was achieved when all the high-frequency SMT decoupling capacitors were removed. The redesigned boards functioned correctly with only the embedded capacitance layers and bulk decoupling capacitors.

Product Performance/Frequency-Domain Power Bus Noise Measurements

The power bus noise at the same port locations was measured in the frequency domain as well. An Agilent E7404A EMC Analyzer (a spectrum analyzer) was used with a resolution bandwidth of 10 KHz. Again the DC component was filtered away by a built-in DC block.

The results in the 1.5 V/GND pair in the frequency band from 10 MHz to 1 GHz are shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9, the FR-4 and BC12 boards, respectively. The corresponding 3.3 V/GND pair results are presented in Figure 10 and Figure 11 for the same boards.

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

It is quite difficult to draw definite conclusions from these frequency-domain results due to their complexity. Although the noise voltages at some frequencies are lower in the embedded capacitance boards (for example, at the three peaks between 200 MHz and 500 MHz as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9), the noise magnitudes at some other frequencies are actually higher. Measurements at frequencies higher than 1 GHz may assist in the development of insight.

Simulation Results

Simulation was performed to compare the result with actual board measurement utilizing EMIStream developed by NEC. This simulation calculates impedance |Z11| of a power plane based on PEEC (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit Model) method and Spice simulation. The parameters for this target PCB such as thickness between power and ground plane, Dk and copper thickness have been set prior to running simulation. Also the excitation point has been set at the exact same point as where the actual board measurement was probed.

The simulation results for 3.3V/GND plane shown in Figure 12 compare the results of standard FR-4 boards to the BC24, BC12 and BC12TM boards. As shown in Figure 5, at the low frequencies below 20 MHz, BC12TM board had the lowest impedance followed by BC12 and BC24. Standard FR-4 had the highest impedance.
Fig. 12

Apparently, the simulation results shown in Figure 12 and the measurement results shown in Figure 5 are well correlated. This proves the possibility of calculating impedance with PCB information before fabricating a board for optimum PDN design.

Cost/Performance Analysis

The cost of a embedded capacitance printed circuit board assembly is compared against a standard material assembly for this application. Taking into consideration the cost reduction by removing the capacitors and their associated assembly cost, the estimated cost increase is 8%, 15%, and 26% for the BC24, BC12, and BC12TM assemblies respectively. One reason the cost was higher is the fact that the board had to be redesigned from a 12-layer to a 14-layer product. For many applications the layer count would remain the same. Also, the BC materials are more expensive than standard FR-4 materials.

One of the most significant advantages for embedding the capacitors is the area that is freed up for routing traces, and the potential to decrease the size of the board. Depending on the application, mechanical constraints and the number of capacitors required, these benefits could contribute to overall improvements and faster time to market. The cost differences and benefits will vary depending upon the application and volume.


Initial measurements and simulations clearly demonstrate the benefits of these embedded capacitance materials used in the power/ground plane pair, in terms of lowering power bus impedance and reducing power bus noise. These thin power/ground layers achieved a comparable or even better performance with bulk decoupling capacitors only.

The simulated and actual results compared favorably, and the decision to remove all the decoupling capacitors proved to be effective. Although the initial cost analysis of implementing buried capacitance is higher than the standard board with capacitors, there are other benefits to complete the analysis. Designs that do not need additional layers to achieve the embedded capacitance, as an example, will be easier to cost justify. PCD&F

Ed note: This article is a synopsis of the simulated and measured product data related to the performance of buried capacitance layers. Additional details can be found in the paper entitled “Utilization of Buried Capacitance – A Case Study” presented at DesignCon 2008.


We would like to acknowledge our respective companies and UMR for supporting this study.

Jun Fan is a professor at the University of Missouri-Rolla; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Norm Smith is a design engineer and Jim Knighten is an EMI and signal integrity engineer at Teradata; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. John Andresakis is vice president of strategic technology at Oak-Mitsui Technologies; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Yoshi Fukawa is president of TechDream; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Mark Harvey is an engineer at Sanmina-SCI; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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